Vanquishing the Google Monster, and Trying New Things

I spent my morning fighting a battle at the intersection of Google and GoDaddy, with the ability to change my web page* up for grabs. The Husband woke me up with this problem this morning, and I was not best pleased to have my muzzy brain challenged by Techno Bill before I’d had my tea.

But! We seem to have solved the problem, mostly because the Husband’s feet hit the floor in the morning with his mental acuity running at 110%, while mine runs… somewhat less so. Actually, when I first open my eyes, my ability to speak English seems to be at a 4-year-old level, as evidenced by my first words upon waking one morning earlier in the week: “I had a weird dream. I hided in a bookstore that was having a going-out-of-sale business.” (exact wording)

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I even dream about books and bookstores.

With the Google Apps monster vanquished, I wrote an email to my Aussie friend and fellow SF writer AC Flory, in which I confessed my struggles with StoryBox2, which she had recommended to me. Well, not to me specifically. She recommends it to everyone. I thought I’d give it a try, and attempted to import the current version of The Fall into it, with resulting hilarity:

It didn’t import! [makes changes to file. tries again] It still didn’t import! [makes more changes. tries again] Ack! [closes program. deletes StoryBox file. opens program. tries again.] It still didn’t– [finger twitch] [click] Oh. Oops. There it is. *blush*

Going from Word 2010 to a real piece of writing software is rather a lot like going from a piano to a string instrument. Instead of everything laid out in a nice neat line in front of you, it’s in parallel rows, starting in a different place with each row. And then there are the extra bits, tuning pegs, strings, bridges, pedals (wait, what?). Suffice to say, creature of habit that I am, I’m having trouble wrapping my head around it, although I appreciate the capability to put all my research, along with my Tolari series bible, in one place.

I’ve been good; I’m still on vacation after pressing send on the Daughters re-edit yesterday. I only changed one word in The Fall. /preen

Tomorrow, however, it’s full steam ahead.

*If you followed the link, please be aware that it’s very, very under construction, dust everywhere, and doesn’t look anything like I want it to yet, but the underlying bone structure is present: it points to my blog and to my books.

March 16, 2014

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