Taking a Spork to Suralia

Five chapters left to edit. I’m down to the very hardest part.

This time last year, I was struggling with the first edition of Daughters of Suralia. Talking it over with The Husband, bouncing ideas off friends, taking my husband’s old college roomie out to lunch to pick his brain because he was (and still is) a political science geek. Now, I’m working over pretty much the same material I overhauled then.

It’s like deja vu all over again.

Today, I’m working on chapter 20, which used to be chapter 19. The big changes began to show in chapter 17, which I had to split in half because it grew that much. I may or may not need to add/split more chapters to do what I have in mind. It’s hard to tell until I get there. This current chapter is comparatively short, so the material I need to add won’t necessitate splitting it into two.

It’s not coming easy though. I’ve got that “digging to China with a spork” feeling. Or maybe it’s more trying to reach Suralia with a spork, though the idea of digging–or rather, flying–through more than 146 trillion miles boggles the mind. And you thought it was a long walk to the corner grocery (thank you, Douglas Adams).

I’d best get back to work.

February 19, 2014

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