Spoiler Sunday

The past couple of days have been very heady. The Marann has been flirting with the top 1000 paid in the Kindle Store. This morning, I woke to find it at #872. A couple of hours later, it’s at #915. Its rankings seem to peak while I’m asleep, so lately I’ve been threatening my husband that I’m going to stay up all night just to see how low it actually goes. I want to see it!

Meanwhile, my friends are geeking out. Seriously. I was on the phone with one of them when one of her friends knocked on her door. I overheard her say, “I’m talking to a bestselling author. I can’t just hang up on her!”

I had no idea what to say to that, so I just sputtered. You can’t call me a bestselling author. The Marann hasn’t made it onto a national bestseller list.

Some of my friends are saying they can. It’s on three category bestseller lists on Amazon. Solidly. It’s been as high as #4 on the space opera bestsellers and is currently #6. It’s been floating up and down between #20 and #30 in science fiction and fantasy-&-futuristic romance.

So, according to Quit Your Day Job, A Guide for the Self Published Author, I can claim bragging rights. I can call myself a Bestselling Author of Space Opera. Or (gulp!) Science Fiction. Or Futuristic Romance.

Personally, I’m most comfortable with Space Opera, because I’ve been in the top 10 most of the week. But I’m not comfortable with bragging. It’s — well — it’s bragging.

But enough on that. I’ll get to the point of why you’re here: the spoiler!

“Yeah. Tolari
are weird.”
Laura gave her
a look. “Look who’s talking. Is there a human cell left in your body?”
“Um. Not
“There you go.
I knew you were weird.”
laughed. “So how are you getting on other than that?”
“The Paran
decided I needed to speak more Paranian and stopped speaking English with me.”
snorted. “Rulers. Control freaks, the lot of them.”
Laura raised
an eyebrow. “What did the Sural do?”
“What doesn’t he do?” she retorted in
exasperation. “He controls my whole life.”
“Human men are
like that too, if they have a little power. Give them an inch, they take the planet and little Johnny’s piggy bank, too.”
“I wouldn’t
know. I never had a human man.”
living with a full admiral.”
“No thanks,” Marianne
said drily. “A Tolari ruler is bad enough.”

November 11, 2012

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  1. Racheal

    Those are some crazy numbers, lady!!! Brag away! Brag. a. way! I could be wrong, but seems people really like to buy your book on the weekends.

  2. Anonymous

    please tell me he does not turn out to be a cheater even if it's the way things are done on tolari one thing that totally turns me off in a book, if you are so in love shouldnt be able to even do it with another woman never mind find a few moments of pleasure that epilogue killed me and how I felt about him and don't think I can wait to find out:(


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