Who are the Tolari?

Tolar is the fourth planet of the star Beta Hydri, in the middle of a dangerous expanse of K-space called the Drift. The other races of the interstellar Trade Alliance warned Earth’s Central Command to leave the Tolari strictly alone. And when a young woman from Iowa is sent to Tolar to teach seven human languages to the daughter of a Tolari noble, the consequences will reach farther than anyone could have imagined.

Click each cover to find out more!

The Fall (cover)

“Space opera with political intrigue, cultural rectifications, and heart.  Sink into these stories and be entertained.” — Sharon Lee, author of the Liaden Universe®

“You might as well just cue up everything by Christie Meierz and put those books on your TBR list, because once you’ve finished this story, you’ll want to read the author’s entire backlist.” — Lucy, limfic.org

About the Author

Award-winning author Christie Meierz writes space opera and science fiction romance set on a world of empaths at the edge of an advancing human empire. Her published works include her PRISM award-winning debut novel, The Marann, four more novels set in Tolari space, and several short stories. She is a member of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA), spent 10 years raising sheep in Broome County, New York, and has been declared capable of learning Yup’ik.

Christie now lives in Rochester, NY, where she and her mathematician husband serve as full-time staff to two parlor panthers known to humans as Banichi the Assassin and Miss Myrtle the Hurricane Cat. (Their true names remain a mystery). When she’s not writing, she writes about life and writing on her blog (below), her personal Facebook page, where she welcomes comments and friend requests, and her Facebook Author Page.

Meierz Musings

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