As horrifying as the 6-turned-20-hour trip to Missoula was, MisCon more than made up for all the stress I had to endure to get there.
One of the first things I did was buy a Resistance pin and attach it to my name tag. Now, this may not seem like much. But I tell you — the Illuminati were AFRAID of me because of it. They resorted to releasing a virus and beginning the zombie apocalypse to avoid direct confrontation. *nod* Mm-hmm.
The next thing I did was sit on one of the first panels: Creating Fictional Societies, moderated by the wonderful Carol Berg. New writer that I am, I got caught flat-footed by Carol’s question asking what mistakes we had seen new writers making. I fumbled out something, but what I should have done was talk about the mistakes I’ve made — or haven’t made yet. Ah well. Live and learn.
One of the highlights of the con for me was sitting a panel with CJ Cherryh (Ebooks: The Other Side of Publishing) and trying not to act like a total fangrrl.
I suspect the 10am Sunday panel on religion in SF was my fault. When Justin Barba was soliciting panel suggestions, I sent in a bunch, including one to the effect that religion is always fun to talk about at 10am on Sunday morning. Oops. *hangs head* Hehe. *blush*
So, yeah. It was a fun and productive weekend, learning, going to panels, being on panels, meeting authors/editors/publishers.
I am really looking forward to attending MisCon next year. I will cure the Zombie Apocalypse! Er, at least in a story.
Maybe. <grin>