On Reading the Writing

On Reading the Writing

Listening to readings at a science fiction convention is a great way to find new-to-you authors and books. There are people who make a practice of hanging out in the reading rooms for that very reason. Because of this, and because I am (it must be admitted) not...

Back to the Future

And so, home from PhilCon 2014. After a night’s sleep and a shower, I am back at the keyboard and back in Tolari space. The con was wonderful, and kudos to the PhilCon concomm. A great time was had by most, as far as I could tell. (Of course it had its blips....

Philcon Addendum

Oh! And I almost forgot. In my schedule is also Sat 2:00 PM in Executive Suite 623 (1 hour) BROAD UNIVERSE RAPID FIRE READING Come listen to 7 women get their Girl Cooties all over science fiction!

Philcon Schedule

I’m going to Philcon, yes I am! And here’s my schedule: Sat 4:00 PM in Plaza III (Three) (1 hour) BEAUTY IN THE FUTURE (1752) When technology makes changing one’s appearance as easy as changing one’s clothes or hair color, will our perception...

ConFusion 2014

Pretty much a relaxicon for us — I wasn’t on the programming. They’d had a glut of authors volunteering this year, so they were full up by the time I volunteered (months ago, in what would have been plenty of time any other year, even). So, we pretty...