
Yes, it’s been a while. Partly, I haven’t known what to say
that could possibly follow winning a Prism award. Partly, beyond trying
(sometimes unsuccessfully) to post short daily updates on my Facebook author
page, I’ve had little to say.
Truly, I lead a very uneventful life. That doesn’t stop
other people from complicating things, but generally, my days are quite
peaceful. Perhaps that’s why I’m having so much fun turning Tolari space upside
down in The Fall. Getting into Laura’s
head definitely makes for an interesting change from living in Marianne’s.
Marianne, by the way, does make an appearance in The Fall, although she’s quite
definitely not a main character
So what I have been doing these past radio-silent weeks is,
by and large, writing, revising, and editing, punctuated by other small
achievements, such as:
The husband and I went out and bought gym memberships for
the both of us, and I have had the dubious pleasure of watching him pile on
what looks to me like an impressive
amount of weight, while I manage— cough Well,
I bought a stuffie – a pale gold, slightly fox-faced bear in
a leather flight jacket whose name, I must tell you, is Daav yos’Phelium Clan
Korval. (If you haven’t read any of Sharon Lee & Steve Miller’s wonderful
space operas, go here and get the first one in ebook format for free. Go ahead.
I’ll wait. Got it? Okay. Movin’ right along.)
We’ve had the interesting and sometimes hair-raising
challenge of a gluten-intolerant house guest. Since we tend to cook most things
from scratch, it’s been easier than I expected to alter our diet to exclude
gluten. I’m tempted to keep it going after our house guest returns home.
Neither the husband nor I have any difficulty with gluten that we know of, but
I’ve heard from other women that their husbands stopped snoring when put on a
gluten-free diet. This, thinks I, is worth a try. The hardest part will be to keep him from sneaking Chex Mix into the house.
And that, gentle reader, encompasses the highlights of this
writer’s life for the past little while. As I said—it’s very uneventful.

August 11, 2013

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