Back to the Future

And so, home from PhilCon 2014. After a night’s sleep and a shower, I am back at the keyboard and back in Tolari space. The con was wonderful, and kudos to the PhilCon concomm. A great time was had by most, as far as I could tell. (Of course it had its blips....
I’m Not Used To My Hair

I’m Not Used To My Hair

There’s a non-trivial chance that my Tolari have ridiculously long hair because I’ve been letting my own hair grow for the last… oh… third of my life, or something like that. Most folks didn’t realize just how long it was because I seldom...


So! Phoenix! It’s actually my husband’s doing that we’re here; he’s on a commission, and it’s meeting. I tagged along for the ride. Well, strictly speaking, I tagged along because The Husband got that “can I have a puppy?”...

Situation Normal

My stress test results were “normal.” I’m not sure what that means, exactly, but my doctor seems happy. And so begins the hunt to find out what’s causing my chest pain. While I didn’t have a full-on treadmill stress test, the doctor at...


See any morning people around here? Yeah, neither do I. For the record, I am a night owl. I do my best writing at about 1 am. My doctor scheduled that adenosine stress test for 8 am. You may laugh, but I’ve had to spend this week walking my schedule back so I...