Various Updates and Announcements

Wow. I am busy and loving it. Pretty new editions of The Marann and Daughters of Suralia are now available. They are simple and clean, and they are copy-edited to within an inch of my life. The interior is printed in an attractive font and mildly stylish chapter...

A New Year, A New Beginning

First things first: HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYBODY!!! May all your hopes for the new year come true! Well, and I am excited to be back to self-publishing again. This has the following consequences: The original self-published editions of my books are live again on Amazon,...

Dreaming the Dreams of the Just

…or something. Insomnia occasionally plagues me. Last night I lay awake until oh-dark-thirty, when my brother-in-law the lieutenant colonel says he gets up, and when I finally fell asleep, I dreamed about… Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. (If you have never...

Back to the Future

And so, home from PhilCon 2014. After a night’s sleep and a shower, I am back at the keyboard and back in Tolari space. The con was wonderful, and kudos to the PhilCon concomm. A great time was had by most, as far as I could tell. (Of course it had its blips....
I’m Not Used To My Hair

I’m Not Used To My Hair

There’s a non-trivial chance that my Tolari have ridiculously long hair because I’ve been letting my own hair grow for the last… oh… third of my life, or something like that. Most folks didn’t realize just how long it was because I seldom...