Spoiler Sunday

Good morning, my friends! Here’s a spoiler for you (from a story that shall remain mine to know and yours to find out). <grin> She wanted to rub her eyes, but she was too weak to lift her arms. There was no need to open her eyes, darn it. She knew there...

Current Projects

While The Marann continues its slow climb up Amazon’s charts (a heady experience all by itself), I’m working hard on other stories in the Tales of Tolari Space universe. The choice I was considering yesterday was the possibility of participating in...

Spoiler Sunday

There are only two people in the world who have read the story this comes from. <grin> The Sural looked amused, a small smile playing around his mouth. “I cannot have a Terelian take up permanent residence in my stronghold, daughter. You know that.” “I cannot...

Spoiler Sunday — Late Again!

Yesterday, I was vaguely aware that it was Sunday, but it so didn’t feel like Sunday that I kept forgetting. And here it is, Monday evening, without a spoiler. What can I throw at you, gentle reader, that will have you scratching your head and wondering, Whiskey...

Spoiler Sunday (a little late)

Here’s a spoiler that might leave you wondering! The fresh air was bracing as Addie stepped onto the stronghold roof.  She took a deep, appreciative breath.  After spending so much time breathing canned air on ships and stations, this planet smelled...