Do You Wanna Win a Gift Card?

Or maybe a set of ebooks? Click on Rafflecopter link over there on the right, or go to my website, to enter the contest. One person will win a $25 Amazon Gift Card and all three Tales of Tolari Space ebooks. One person will win an ebook copy of each of the three Tales...
The Marann is LIVE!

The Marann is LIVE!

The Sky Warrior digital edition of The Marann just went live on Amazon! The same story, with richer, tighter writing, as well as new and expanded scenes. I’m so excited it’s out!


The Marann won the 2013 Prism award, Futuristic category! This is given by the Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal chapter of the Romance Writers of America (one of its largest chapters). I was stunned. They gave me a mic, and I don’t even know what I said. I...

A Hard Day’s Edit

I am buried in Marann edits. It’s left me with little energy for anything else, including this blog. For this, I apologize. If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you can see daily progress updates. I really am here! I’m one of those authors who truly...