Spoiler Sunday — Late Again!

Yesterday, I was vaguely aware that it was Sunday, but it so didn’t feel like Sunday that I kept forgetting. And here it is, Monday evening, without a spoiler. What can I throw at you, gentle reader, that will have you scratching your head and wondering, Whiskey...

Spoiler Sunday (a little late)

Here’s a spoiler that might leave you wondering! The fresh air was bracing as Addie stepped onto the stronghold roof.  She took a deep, appreciative breath.  After spending so much time breathing canned air on ships and stations, this planet smelled...
The Marann is live!

The Marann is live!

The Marann is now live on Amazon and Smashwords, and will soon be live on Barnes & Noble (we had some account difficulties there, but B&N was quite nice on the phone and said the problem would be resolved soon). It briefly made the bottom of the Top 100 in...

Spoiler Sunday

It’s Snippet Sunday over on Facebook! (like my page or follow me on Twitter) I’m going to do something special over here — Spoiler Sunday!  Here’s a spoiler from the Sural’s backstory: “What are you going to do?” Storaas asked. “Show...