The Writing Process

Australian science fiction writer AC Flory recently tagged me in a blog chain focusing on how writers write. Meeks, as her friends affectionately call her, is writing a series of books from an alien point of view, the first of which, Vokhtah, is out in e-book format....
Trade Secret Giveaway

Trade Secret Giveaway

Sharon Lee & Steve Miller are over on Clan Korval’s Home on the Web doing a free giveaway of an audiobook of their latest release, Trade Secret! Star-spanning galactic trader Jethri Gobelyn’s story continues in the seventeenth entry in the Liaden Universe®...
The First SF Book I Ever Read

The First SF Book I Ever Read

It was 1973. I checked out a book from my junior high school library because it had an interesting cover and took it home to get sucked into a story about a female character who had some kind of adventure taking a ride in the past in someone else’s memories....

PhilCon 2013: Day 3 – Back to the Present

Nothing like talking about sex at 10am on Sunday morning. Wearing Purple: Female Writers of a Certain Age was a blast. My own conclusion is that having your kids leave home is the ultimate aphrodisiac, and who said sex after 50 isn’t hot, anyhow? The Future of...