As eager as I’ve been to get to the last chapter, now that I’m here, it feels strange. Tying up the last loose ends, picking up the trail of bread crumbs, less than 250 words of progress on it yesterday.
At 74,607, then.
How much foreshadowing to put in? The writing of this novel has sparked ideas for at least two more. One will get us off Tolar and out into human space–that story will be very different to what I’ve done so far, and it will stretch me as a writer. Gotta do some reading in a genre I don’t normally read! That should be fun and interesting.
Meanwhile, first things first, I must finish The Fall.
Then, I must write Stranded, which is perhaps 10% written and looks like it wants to be a YA space opera adventure (no romance).
Somewhere in there, my editor will probably bleed red pixels all over Daughters of Suralia, which I will then need to re-edit for re-release.
So there’s the next six months of my life. I’d better get cracking.