Important Announcement!

Tolari Space has a publisher!

A chance comment on Sharon Lee‘s Facebook page put me in touch with Walt Boyes, who has, unknown to me, been a fan of Tolari Space since The Marannand who is now editor at Novus Mundi Books, an imprint of Top of the World Publishing. Since then, I’ve met with Walt, with Top of the World’s marketing lead, and with their attorney, and I am pleased to announce that I am under contract with Novus Mundi to publish all five of my novels of Tolari Space and the forthcoming sixth novel in the series, Outcaste. Not much will change right away for you, gentle reader, but new covers by the talented Kelley York are coming for the first two books and there may be a short interval — perhaps a week or so — when my books are unavailable as they switch out of my publication channels and into Novus Mundi’s.

Why sign with a publisher after so many years of successful indie publishing? Well, this move will enable me to focus more on my writing and my readers instead of  spending that time and energy formatting, marketing, lining up editing, covers, & distribution channels, and many other details that an indie author must juggle. Plus, I’m excited to have some new ways to get the word out!

Some of you know of the unfortunate situation in which I found myself nine years ago, cheated of my royalties and facing threats from a now-defunct small press. I honestly didn’t think I’d ever be with a publisher again, after that. But life goes on, and there are good people out there who were willing to work with me to get past my suspicion.

Thanks to everyone who was a part of making this happen!

October 11, 2023

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