Books Read in Jan 2024

Off to a good start this year, but I will point out that only 3 of these titles are actual novels. Bad Actors, by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller (reread) (novella/shorts) Bread Alone, by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller (reread) (novella/shorts) From Every Storm, by...
Watch the Skies!

Watch the Skies!

We have publishing news! Novus Mundi Publishing has given me a publishing schedule. Note that my self-published editions of the Tales of Tolari Space novels are no longer available other than at second-hand sellers. January 23rd, 2024: Release of Daughters of Suralia,...

Books Read in 2023

This post inaugurates something new: sharing my reading with you all. To begin, here’s what I read last year. It’s undated, unfortunately, but it is in order-read. You will note that there are a great many titles by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller. This is...
Watch the Skies!

Important Announcement!

Tolari Space has a publisher! A chance comment on Sharon Lee’s Facebook page put me in touch with Walt Boyes, who has, unknown to me, been a fan of Tolari Space since The Marann, and who is now editor at Novus Mundi Books, an imprint of Top of the World...

Did You Know?

Back in the beginning, when The Marann was newly released and I was writing the prequel short stories contained in Into Tolari Space, I went to visit family in Rochester, a very picturesque small city on Lake Ontario. It is located in Monroe County, New York—and the...

A Surprise, and Snippet Sunday!

First, the surprise: on Wednesday last, the 8th of February, I received an email from Kirkus Reviews containing the following lines. I am writing to let you know that “REMBRANDT’S STATION” has been selected by our Indie editors to be included in...

Snippet Sunday!

“Are you all right?” he asked. She shrugged. “Not really, but it had to be done. You?” “I have no idea. I don’t feel much, except when I do.” “I’m sorry I contributed to that this morning.” She stuck out a hand. “Pax?” He eyed the hand and crossed his arms....

This week: Rembrandt’s Station!

The first new Tolari Space novel in years, Rembrandt’s Station, will be available for purchase on Thursday! Stationmaster and exiled aristocrat Albert St. John Rembrandt—Bertie to his friends—is in love with a Tolari ruler he believes he can’t have. When he...

Snippet Sunday!

With all the busyness around Rembrandt’s Station, I see I haven’t posted a snippet in a few weeks. This is from a work in progress: Aerav took another pull on his flask. “After the battle, I was frozen in myself, as you are now. But sometimes there would...