by Christie Meierz | Sep 20, 2015 | SF Con, SF Conventions
I’m going to Capclave, and I am now in possession of an email with my schedule. Here it is: Friday 4 PM-4:50 PM Antagonist Vs. Villain Friday 5 PM-5:50 PM Where Are The Happy Futures? Friday 11 PM-11:50 PM Erotic Fiction vs Romance – How Far Can You Go? Saturday...
by Christie Meierz | Sep 18, 2015 | Guest Post
USA Today Bestselling Author Sam Cheever joins me on the blog today. Her work includes over 50 published novels of romantic suspense and fantasy/paranormal under several noms de plume, celebrating the joy of love in all its forms. Take it away, Sam! Good Versus Evil —...
by Christie Meierz | Aug 25, 2015 | WorldCon
Sasquan was not my first WorldCon — that honor goes to Constellation, which took place in Baltimore in 1983, and where I met my husband. Our first date was cruising the art show, and discovering we liked all the same pieces of art. So, 30 years later, we went to...
by Christie Meierz | Aug 18, 2015 | Guest Post
This week, award-winning author Veronica Scott shares a snippet from her latest book and talks about how disaster movies inform her writing. Take it away, Veronica! STAR CRUISE: MAROONED by Veronica Scott or Why I Love Disaster Movies I love disaster movies, the...
by Christie Meierz | Aug 6, 2015 | Writer's Life
Windows 10 finally came to my machine this morning, a little late in the game, to be sure. At first, the promised jump lists did not function. For Word, for example, a little arrow appeared beside its entry on the start menu, but neither mousing over it nor clicking...