A Surprise, and Snippet Sunday!

First, the surprise: on Wednesday last, the 8th of February, I received an email from Kirkus Reviews containing the following lines. I am writing to let you know that “REMBRANDT’S STATION” has been selected by our Indie editors to be included in...

Snippet Sunday!

With all the busyness around Rembrandt’s Station, I see I haven’t posted a snippet in a few weeks. This is from a work in progress: Aerav took another pull on his flask. “After the battle, I was frozen in myself, as you are now. But sometimes there would...
Snippet Sunday!

Snippet Sunday!

Here’s a bit from my forthcoming novel Rembrandt’s Station, scheduled for release on January 5. Stay tuned! Some stationmaster he’d turned out to be. Seven years of faultless work, and all it took was one slip to bring serious trouble to the planet he...