CapClave — Saturday

Today started off with the workshop I signed up for: Wold’s Writers Workshop — AC Crispin, Allen Wold, Darcy Wold, (Tom Doyle – not scheduled but present) (3 hours) The assignment was to write the first 100 words of a story, what Mr. Wold was calling...

CapClave – Friday

I barely had time to think after arriving at the convention hotel and attending 5 panels already. Popular Dystopias – Tad Daley, Tom Doyle, Diana Peterfreund Most of the topic of discussion was different kinds of dystopias, post-holocausts, repressive...
The Marann is live!

The Marann is live!

The Marann is now live on Amazon and Smashwords, and will soon be live on Barnes & Noble (we had some account difficulties there, but B&N was quite nice on the phone and said the problem would be resolved soon). It briefly made the bottom of the Top 100 in...
Gearing Up For CapClave

Gearing Up For CapClave

Later this week, my beloved and I will be heading to Gaithersburg, Maryland, for CapClave! It’s the first science fiction convention we’ll have attended in over 20 years. CapClave is a small literary science fiction convention that offers workshops for...