by Christie Meierz | Oct 28, 2012 | Uncategorized
There are only two people in the world who have read the story this comes from. <grin> The Sural looked amused, a small smile playing around his mouth. “I cannot have a Terelian take up permanent residence in my stronghold, daughter. You know that.” “I cannot...
by Christie Meierz | Oct 27, 2012 | Uncategorized
Usually, the sales rank of my novel hovers around 12k-15k, with the odd spike down into the top 10k. At that point, I usually dance around the table, and when I get back to my desk, it’s dropped back to 12k again. Yesterday morning, it spiked higher than...
by Christie Meierz | Oct 23, 2012 | Uncategorized
Yesterday, I was vaguely aware that it was Sunday, but it so didn’t feel like Sunday that I kept forgetting. And here it is, Monday evening, without a spoiler. What can I throw at you, gentle reader, that will have you scratching your head and wondering, Whiskey...
by Christie Meierz | Oct 16, 2012 | Uncategorized
Here’s a spoiler that might leave you wondering! The fresh air was bracing as Addie stepped onto the stronghold roof. She took a deep, appreciative breath. After spending so much time breathing canned air on ships and stations, this planet smelled...
by Christie Meierz | Oct 15, 2012 | Uncategorized
I meant to get to one of the WorldCon bid parties last night, but I laid down to rest for a bit and didn’t wake up until past 1am. At that point, all I could do was crawl into bed! My Buddy, My Beta – Meriah Lysistrata Crawford, James Morrow, Aly Parsons,...