From the Cutting Room Floor, Part 2

And here’s the rest of the scene posted yesterday. “He was a good friend for many years,” the Sural continued. “But I knew he might someday move against me. I knew he would blunder when he tried and be caught.” A good friend? Marianne shook her head; that...

From the Cutting Room Floor, Part 1

Here’s a scene that got cut and never made it back into the story. I’m posting half today and half tomorrow. “You recall the Detral, beloved?” the Sural said. “How could I possibly forget him? He put a poisoned arrow in you.” “Do you recall how easily he...

Tidbit Tuesday

Snippet Sunday got overlooked this week, so here’s a Tidbit Tuesday for you.             Last day of the summer festival. Marianne admired the … maypoles … lining the city square. No more new...

I’d Be Home

If I’d gone to my critique group this evening, I’d be back home again by now. They say when life hands you a lemon, make lemonade. Perhaps this evening, the lemon was my illness rearing its ugly head and leaving me unable to leave the house, the sugar was...

Snippet Sunday

            May pole, Marianne thought. It’s a may pole.             Apothecaries in yellow with blue ribbons danced and wove with indigo-robed scholars...