The Perils of Science Fiction

I’m not a scientist by any stretch of the imagination, nor do I play one on TV. So I’m sometimes caught flat-footed by things such as the fact that Beta Hydri isn’t a main sequence star. You may ask, “Why is that important?” If I...

What’s a Girl to Do?

So. Daughters has gone off to the editor. Of course, I couldn’t resist glancing over it again, only to find a few typos, and a few places where I could phrase things a little differently. I hesitated for a bit, not wanting to make my MS different than the one...
Daughters of Suralia blurb!

Daughters of Suralia blurb!

Three women, two planets, and a whale. For Marianne Woolsey, linguist and tutor, being empathically bonded to the leader of the Tolari turns out to be a bed of roses – complete with thorns. Especially thorns. With diplomatic relations severed and humans kicked out of...