Yep, It’s The Fall

I think I’ve settled on what project I’m going to stick to:The Fall. (Working title.) Laura and the Paran’s story. All is not perfect in paradise — er, Parania, that is — and Laura’s happily-ever-after isn’t as trouble-free as...

Novels and Stories and Projects, Oh My

Right. So, after convincing me that setting up a pattern of romance-adventure-romance-adventure would be a good idea, my husband comes up to me this morning and tries to convince me to abandon Stranded and go back to working on The Fall. “Why,” I ask,...

Snippet Saturday

            Someone giggled. I stretched, feeling every one of my sixty years, and opened my eyes to see Marianne standing over me, almost doubled over trying to stifle herself. The Sural stood next to her,...

Post-Release Siiiiiigh

Phew! The ebook editions of Daughters of Suralia are live on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords Premium (the last means it will eventually propagate to Kobo, Sony, Apple, Diesel, Page Foundry, Baker & Taylor, and Library Direct). I’m still working on...