
I’m just a wee bit too tired to censor myself. So here I am in Denver. I’m supposed to be in Missoula, Montana, mind you. I’m in Denver because my plane out of Pittsburgh was 3 hours late, and I missed my connecting flight. Did I mention that I...

Word, Interrupted

So I just posted this status update on Facebook: “At irregular intervals, Word decides that every word I’ve told it to ignore is suddenly a gross violation of the order of the universe and underlines them all in red again. At that point, I must go to each...

The Perils of Science Fiction, Part 2

Last month, I got a little excited because I discovered Tolar wasn’t possible where it was. Its orbital period – 2.03 Earth years – was too long to be in the habitable zone of its star, Beta Hydri. Turns out I had mis-copied the equation. I was using...

Thoughts on a Rainy Saturday

So, here’s the thing: the Tolari split off from us around the time we invented the wheel. They were taken, genetically engineered, plopped onto a planet something on the order of 150 trillion miles away from Earth, and left to develop as they would. Before the...
2013 Prism Finalist!

2013 Prism Finalist!

Late last night, I got an email from the Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal Special Interest Chapter of RWA that started out like this: Hello Christie,Congratulations! I’m pleased to inform you that your entry, The Marann is a finalist in the Futuristic...