Various Updates and Announcements

Wow. I am busy and loving it. Pretty new editions of The Marann and Daughters of Suralia are now available. They are simple and clean, and they are copy-edited to within an inch of my life. The interior is printed in an attractive font and mildly stylish chapter...

A New Year, A New Beginning

First things first: HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYBODY!!! May all your hopes for the new year come true! Well, and I am excited to be back to self-publishing again. This has the following consequences: The original self-published editions of my books are live again on Amazon,...

Dreaming the Dreams of the Just

…or something. Insomnia occasionally plagues me. Last night I lay awake until oh-dark-thirty, when my brother-in-law the lieutenant colonel says he gets up, and when I finally fell asleep, I dreamed about… Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. (If you have never...

Back to the Future

And so, home from PhilCon 2014. After a night’s sleep and a shower, I am back at the keyboard and back in Tolari space. The con was wonderful, and kudos to the PhilCon concomm. A great time was had by most, as far as I could tell. (Of course it had its blips....

Philcon Addendum

Oh! And I almost forgot. In my schedule is also Sat 2:00 PM in Executive Suite 623 (1 hour) BROAD UNIVERSE RAPID FIRE READING Come listen to 7 women get their Girl Cooties all over science fiction!