The Marann made it into the second round!
You can find the rest of the novels that made it into the second round here.
For those unfamiliar with it, Amazon invites authors to submit unpublished and self-published (provided they retain all rights) books to their Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest. The submissions period closed on January 27, or when they received 10,000 entries, whichever came first.
The first round was judged based on a 300-word pitch of the book and narrowed the field to 2,000 entries (top 400 in each of five categories). Apparently, the judges liked my pitch. 🙂 The results were announced today.
The second round ends March 12 and will be judged on an excerpt of up to the first 5,000 words of the book. This round will narrow the results to the top 500 entries.
I’m so excited! Wish me luck!
Congratulations! No wonder you're excited! Wishing you all the best! 🙂