A New Year, A New Beginning

First things first:


May all your hopes for the new year come true!

Well, and I am excited to be back to self-publishing again. This has the following consequences:

The original self-published editions of my books are live again on Amazon, B&N and Smashwords. On Amazon, the ebook versions should update to the shiny new third editions in… about four weeks, according the email I received from KDP Support. I apologize for the inconvenience, but the 500 pound gorilla does what the 500 pound gorilla does. I did everything I could.

On Smashwords, the third editions are available now.

On B&N… I have to confess I’m not entirely sure. The current free sample is taken from the third edition. If you’ve already bought the original, I’m unclear if/when it updates on your Nook. If someone wants to enlighten me, I wouldn’t turn it down.

Print editions are in the works, and galley proofs should arrive tomorrow! Assuming no typos and assuming the formatting looks good, they should become available in the CreateSpace store shortly, and then it will link up with the ebook editions on Amazon… perhaps a week or so after I approve the proofs. Stay tuned.

What will you see in the third editions that you didn’t see in the original? I’m so glad you asked! They are pretty much cleaned-up, copy-edited versions of the second editions. Occasionally, as I read through them, I noticed an awkward sentence here and there and smoothed them out. That sort of thing. If you bought the first edition, this is what you’ll see:

1) The Marann is revised and slightly expanded, with new scenes that develop the world and the romance a little more thoroughly.

A revised and expanded version of the original first chapter of The Marann, which was cut in the second edition (the editor put a note on chapter two that said, Your story starts here), is now in an appendix in the back of the book. I plan to make the same revised first chapter, perhaps with the original original as well, available as a standalone for free on Smashwords, for those who bought the second edition, so they aren’t left out.

2) Daughters of Suralia is more than 21,000 words longer. The book now has an overarching plot, more political development, and a new ending.

Hopefully, those will be the last revisions of my first two books.

Moving on to current projects: Exciting news! I’m querying an artist for cover art for The Fall!

I’m also working with a publicist now, and we’re still deciding on a release date, but it should be… something like *mumble* mid-February or beginning March *mumble* but that’s not firm, mind you.

While I continue to polish up The Fall, I’m writing the conclusion of its sequel, Farryn’s War. This has developed into quite a story on its own, and it’s begging me to branch out with another series — so I will! There’s still more planetary romance to come in the Tales of Tolari Space, but they will dovetail with stories in a new series that has less romance and more space opera.

Does that mean Tolari Space is now officially a Universe? I hope so!

January 1, 2015

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