The ebook editions of Daughters of Suralia are live on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords Premium (the last means it will eventually propagate
to Kobo, Sony, Apple, Diesel, Page Foundry, Baker & Taylor, and
Library Direct). I’m still working on the print edition, but by and
large, now I just need to keep on top of the whole book marketing thing
(not my favorite activity, but necessary).
is doing really well. Within 12 hours of its release, it was on 3 of
Amazon’s category bestseller lists (both Space Opera lists, plus
Futuristic & Science Fiction Romance, where it currently sits at #14!). I couldn’t be more amazed and happy and thankful to my faithful readers.
But you know what this means. It’s time to get to work on something else.
The two most viable options are book 3, which is set in Parania (and if you’ve read Daughters already, you can guess who it’s about – with cameos by Marianne, the Sural, and Storaas), and book 1.5, which is a YA adventure set in Suralia during the three-month period between the end of The Marann and the beginning of Daughters of Suralia.
I’m actually leaning toward book 1.5 at the moment, mostly because the
hubby pointed out that it might be good to set up an alternating pattern
of releasing a romance, then an adventure, then a romance, etc. That certainly makes a certain amount of sense.
Okay, I usually don’t do the most sensible thing. But it might be time
to start. There’s some comfort to having a direction in this new writing
career I’ve started, even if it’s a bit vague. And trust me, there’s
lots to write about in Tolari Space. I’m only just getting started.